The In-Home Supportive Services Grant (IHSS) program provides In-home assistance to eligible aged blinds and disabled individuals as an alternative to Out-of-home care and enables recipients to remain safety in their own homes.

A grant is an award of money or other assistance that does not need to be paid back. There are grants for business, grants for education, grants for research, grants for non-profits, grants for artists, grants for medical bills and more.

Those who give grants are typically government entities, business, private foundations or trusts. Those applying for grants include non-profit organizations, educational institutions and individuals as well as government entities.

The United States Federal Government and Private Grant Foundations give away billions free money every year to millions of US, UK, Australia and Canada Citizens just like you.

The Federal home care and family support of free cash grants that all US, Canada and Australia tax paying citizens are entitled to and should take advantage of. This free money can be used for almost anything you can imagine. In fact right now people are being approved for large sums of money to start a business, pay for their education, medical bills, and even to buy a house

Don’t sit back and watch these opportunities pass you by. You pay taxes; this is your turn for a kickback. It doesn’t even matter if you have debt, or a bad credit rating; you can still qualify.

Grant Programs are not loans, and no matter how much free government money you receive you will never have to pay it back.

This is a program set up by the federal government with the help and support of the world bank to help the people paying their medical bill, starting their own business, going to school, buying a home. e.t.c

*No credit checks required .
*No need for co-signers .
*You may be eligible even with bad credit or bankruptcy .
*You never have to pay back government grants .



Applying for IHSS Grant is a process and typically involves an application. You are to fill a form, this application is known as Grant writing (also referred to as proposals or submission). NB:Make sure all the information below are valid.